
You probably don't know the creator behind the scene, but the odds are you might have experienced a product I designed.

This project offers an innovative support experience that utilizes safety automation to efficiently and compassionately address driver issues on the road.

This project offers a new seller experience for 500,000 merchants globally and 40,000 physical store owners. They can now have digital storefronts, connecting with 100 million consumers worldwide.

This project offers a redesigned video conferencing experience aimed at facilitating authentic connections for 1 million monthly active users in large organizations and educational institutions.

This project provides an in-depth view of a design system. It's the first to revolutionize a business established in 1999, with the goal of "connecting the organization." The system accomplishes this through systematic thinking and practices that enhance the delivery of customer value.

Want to hire me for your next project?

Just send me a message. Every collaboration begins with an introduction to connect different minds.