I lead design teams to create unique experiences for both customers and businesses.

I am a principal UX designer at Custom Ink, where I envision and lead digital experiences that empower communities, human connections, and lifelong relationships with inclusive products. With over 7 years of experience in tech and 5 years in academia, I specialize in e-commerce and retail domains, especially for high-value customers in the tech sector and small and medium business owners.

My work is driven by a deep curiosity and a cultural influence from my international background. I explore emerging opportunities, create holistic design solutions, and conduct user research throughout the entire product cycle.

I also contribute to the UX Collective, mentor aspiring UX professionals, and educate others about design culture. I am passionate about creating products that make a positive impact on people and society.

This is a headshot of Shan Shen.

My design process emphasizes research, iteration, and collaboration. I make it a priority to involve customers in every phase of the design, as well as include cross-functional partners to ensure consistent value delivery for both customers and the business.


I utilize mixed method research to promote project discovery and cultivate a research culture in organizations. One method I employ is converting customer interviews into live stream events. With my experience in video conferencing design, this process comes naturally to me.


I value making design decisions based on data.
I am currently learning about Google Analytics, Fullstory, and Optimizely to approach product opportunities, evaluate A/B test results, and monitor behavioral trends from a data analytics perspective.


I am a hybrid designer who leads both product design and design system design.
It's an exciting space where creativity and system thinking come together. Currently, I am focusing on utilizing variables and tokens to scale the design system team.


I facilitate design critiques, conduct evaluative research studies, and organize design reviews with stakeholders to gain strategic buy-ins. Although the product development world moves at a rapid and reactive pace, I test design concepts for every product I design and build.

Build first, manage second

Previous work experiences and achievements

6 companies
Focusing on innovation across all scales, from unicorn start-ups to public companies
1 million users
Elevating the standard for people to engage with digital experiences globally
162 k reads
A public speaker for design events like Rosenfeld Media conferences, and a writer for publications such as "UX Collective"
1 patent
Selecting and managing devices to use for video conferencing (WO2019005688); Issued Mar 1, 2019

I'm focusing on being a key voice in design, taking part in public talks and podcasts.

UX Leadership by Design Podcast (Fuzzy Math)
Guest Speaker
Design in Product Conference (Rosenfeld Media)

Through the years I've worked for some awesome companies and also learned a lot of things

Custom Ink
Principal UX Designer
2022 - Present
Product Designer
2021 - 2022
Product Designer
2018 - 2021
BlueJeans by Verizon
UX Designer
2016 - 2018

Want to hire me for your next project?

Just send me a message. Every collaboration begins with an introduction to connect different minds.